Terms of Use

We welcome you to Sound Hire Melbourne. By visiting and browsing our site, you are consenting to be bounded by the terms and conditions.

The owner/owners are referred to as Sound Hire Melbourne or ‘we’ and/or ‘us.’ Also, ‘you’ refers to the viewer or user of SoundHireMelbourne.com. With that said, below is the terms of use of this site:

1. We provide general information to those who visit our site, and we might change anything on the site without giving prior notice.

2. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information that we provide. We also don’t guarantee the timeliness, completeness or the suitability of the content and materials that you find on the site. By using our site you are acknowledging that everything you find here could very well contain inaccurate information or information that contains errors. We are not responsible or liable in anyway for for any errors or inaccuracies you come across on the site.

3. When you use our site, then you are willingly doing so at your own risk. If a product, service or information we offer does not meet your personal needs, then we are not and will not be held liable for anything that may affect you as a result of using our site. By using our website, you need to keep in mind that you are the one who is responsible for making sure that anything we offer on this site meets your requirements and needs.

4. Reproduction of materials that we own is not prohibited. Materials may include, but not limited to, graphics you may find on our site, the design and layout of our site.

5. Trademarks that are reproduced on our site are acknowledged by the site.

6. When it comes to content that is found on sites that we link to, you acknowledge that we are not liable or responsible for what you find on those site. The links we provide are provided in order to help you find further information. However, it does not mean we endorse the site/sites that we link to.

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